Frequently Asked Questions

What is VancouverPictures?

VancouverPictures is the ultimate source for Vancouver imagery. We provide prints of finely selected pictures amongst Vancouver's most talented photographers to provide you with the best of this beautiful city. All our content is created and uploaded by our users. Anyone is able to contribute to VancouverPictures.

How can I sell my work on VancouverPictures?

Once you are signed in to your account, you will find an "Become A Seller" button in the Account dropdown menu. You will be redirected to an application page where we will require you to provide information. Once submitted, your application will be queued for review. if accepted we will notify your via email and you will be granted access to VancouverPictures seller access allowing you to submit your work, view and manage your products, and monitor your sales.

How can I submit my work to be sold on VancouverPictures?

As an approved seller, you will notice an array of new navigation button under the Account dropdown menu. Select the "Submit Vancouver Picture" button, attach the picture, fill in the information requested, and click "Upload Picture". Your picture will be queued for review and we will notify you via email once approved.

What kind of picture can I submit?

Pictures must be related to Vancouver, Canada, and surrounding areas. Please only submit high resolution pictures with a high resolution such as 4000x6000 pixels. Images with an insufficient resolution will be rejected. Make sure you only upload content for which you own copyright. Innapropriate content will not be tolerated and will result in account termination. (Review our Terms of Service)

How much do I make per sale?

VancouverPictures loves to provide a platform for everyone to market, and these services comes at a cost on our end. Sellers on the VancouverPictures marketplace are subject to a percentage of revenue per item sold to be paid to VancouverPictures. Refer to the table below for percentage values.

I did not receive a verification email. What can I do?

Please check your spam inbox for the email. If the verification email is not there, please email our customer service at and we will sort it out.

How can I remove my image?

Please send us the link(s) for the images to be removed via email and we will take action as soon as possible.

I have a question. how can I reach VancouverPictures?

Please use this link to email us directly.